Monday 25 April 2011

Happy Birthday Sin! xoxo

Yes, its Sin's birthday today, 25 all over again! ;-)... to be honest the other day I was trying to work out our age as I had completely forgotten, even then it took me time to work it out, whats the difference between 2011 and 1982?  Something like that 10 years ago would not have troubled me, 2 seconds and the answer would be at the tip of my tongue, while now, 2 minutes would be a good time!

So yes Sin's birthday.  Every year I wonder what we should do, as I want to make it special.  This year we decided on a BBQ as the weather recently has been so good.  Now unfortunately as I was busy being the host and cooking, I didn't manage to take any pics on my digital sources, i.e iphone or SLR, so no photos to share at present.  :-(  oh well, all I can say was that Sin had a lovely time, playing with the BBQ, realising that Lumpwood is better than Brisketts, catching up on friends, have a laugh with the family and most importantly, is favourite past time of all, eating!

Happy birthday Sin, only 38 minutes to go before its the next day.....26th April...your sister's birthday!  Yes Sin's sister's birthday is a day after his! Easy to remember I guess!


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